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May Garden Guide

Winter is on its way, start getting your garden winter ready. Clear the fallen leaves and other debris out of your gutters. Start cleaning up last of the summer and autumn crops and plant some new winter vegetables!

Time to harvest...

Beans (all types except broad beans), beetroot, broccoli, cabbages, carrots, cauliflowers, celery, courgettes, lettuces, marrows, parsnips, peas, pumpkins, tomatoes.

Time to sow:

Start sowing these winter veggies - broad beans, brussel sprouts, beetroot, celery, peas, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, chives, garlic, kale, kohl rabi, spinach, onions, lettuce, pak Chou, parsley, peas, radish, rocket, silverbeet, snowpeas, garlic, leeks, parsnips, turnips and parsley.

Feed and grow

  • Colder weather presents the perfect opportunity to start new landscaping projects such as building raised vegetable beds, edging paths and gardens and redesigning your garden layout in preparation for spring planting.
  • Vegetable beds will benefit from a generous application of compost and a variety of winter vegetables such as broccoli, garlic, kale, silver beet, snow peas and spinach can be planted
  • Broad Beans are a soil improver capturing nitrogen from the atmosphere with specialised root noodle.
  • Encourage efficient sweet pea growth by mulching regularly, snipping off new tendrils and side shoots and using a trellis or stake to keep individual plants upright.
  • Add mulch to help keep root temp stable
  • Remember to pull up any weeds before they go to seed and cause more problems for the future. Weeds rob your plants of valuable water and nutrients, so right now couldn’t be a better time to get rid of them
  • Spray driveways and paving with weed killer like McGregor’s Path and Patio Weedout
  • Sustain indoor and outdoor container plants with a fertiliser like PlantMax
  • Control aphids, scale, insects and more with the McGregor's Spraying Oil
  • Grow crops in pots in winter to continue harvesting