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Herbs that can help you clean your home!

Herbs are so versatile, not just in your cooking but check out our guide to homemade products too!


Did you know that the antimicrobial and antifungal effects in Sage has been proven effective against both E. coli and salmonella? This natural kitchen and bathroom cleaner is a great all-round cleaner!

Bunch of fresh (not dry) sage
2 cups of white vinegar
Spray bottle

Twist the sage, until very fragrant. Place in the spray bottle and add the 2 cups of white vinegar. Leave to infuse for a minimum of 2-3 weeks


Mint is the fresh, clean aroma herb! But did you know it also makes a fantastic glass cleaner?

1 cup of white vinegar
1 cup of water
2 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol
2-3 springs of fresh mint
Spray bottle

Roll the fresh mint between your fingers to help release the essential oils and place the entire sprig in the spray bottle. Pour in all the liquid ingredients and let it infuse for 4-5 hours - then strain the mixture and you're ready to go!


Mix in with softened butter for the best steak butter, or you can make the kitchen smell amazing!

1 orange worth of peel
2-3 sprigs of Rosemary
1 cup white vinegar
1 cup of water

Put orange peels and sprigs of rosemary in a jar filled with white vinegar, let it sit for two to four weeks, and then strain it. Mix that solution with an equal part of water, and keep it in a spray bottle. Rosemary's disinfecting properties will help keep your surfaces not only clean but helps the house smell amazing.

17 April 2024