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Growing Guide

Growing Herbs

Herbs are an easy to grow, fragrant but functional plants that can brighten up any kitchen or outdoor space.

Growing Herbs

Herbs are an easy to grow, fragrant but functional plants that can brighten up any kitchen or outdoor space. Perfect for bringing a whole lot of flavour to any meal. They grow easily in most places including pots, planters, gardens, or even teacups!

How to choose the best herbs for you
Different Herbs grow best in different areas, for the best herbs for your area - check out our Seed Selector Guide here

Our top 5 herb staples for the kitchen:

One of the most popular herbs of all time, great on pizza, pasta and in salads. They are beautifully aromatic, perfect for the kitchen windowsill. When preparing your favourite dish, make sure to add Basil at the last minute to help retain its flavour.

A great shrubby ground-cover and indispensable herb that is even happy growing in the cracks between pavers and rocks! Prune Thyme in early Spring to prevent the plant from getting too woody.

Italian Parsley
Packed with flavour and easy to dry. Plain leaf parsley is easy to wash and very easy to grow. Preferred by many over the traditional curled style Parsley.

Dill is famous for pickling. Delicious tangy Dill, use both leaves and seeds for home pickling and butters.

Also known as Cilantro or Chinese Parsley. Use spicy leaves for salads, pickles salsas, curries and other full flavoured dishes. Now one of NZ's most popular herbs. Very easy to grow.

The woodsy, citrus-like smell of rosemary makes it perfect for essential oils can be used in aromatherapy. Besides its health and beauty uses, rosemary is also used as a cooking herb by many people. Fresh or dried rosemary can be added to soups, sandwiches, salads, dips, and even be used for making infused oil.

How to plant your Herbs
Prepare your planters or spot in the garden. If planting in pots or small containers, make sure to put in a sunny windowsill so you can access them easily while cooking. The best time to plant is in cooler times of the day such as early morning or later in the day so plants aren't exposed to the heat of the sun straight away.

How To Sow
Follow seed sowing directions, some seeds don’t need to be covered with soil, while other seeds need to be planted a few centimetres’ below the soil.

Seedling Care
Keep seedbed evenly moist during the germination period of 21-25 days. Apply McGregor's VegeMax 2 weeks after germination for healthier plants and a maximum crop. McGregor’s VegeMax plant food is high in Nitrogen which promotes leaf growth. Protect your herb garden from snails and slugs with McGregor's Snail and Slug bait and from White Butterfly with McGregor's Derris Dust.

Hints and Tips
Mint should always be grown in its own pot or container as it can take over your garden easily.
Rosemary is the perfect addition to meats and vegetables.
You can dry herb seeds is by hanging the plant upside down inside in a paper bag (make sure its paper! Plastic will hinder drying). The bag will catch the seeds as they dry and fall from the pod.
Use Anise and basil to attract beneficial insects to your garden.

Sage is popular with pork and in stuffing and is the most recognized winter herb. Best grown in pots so that it can be carried indoors during those freezing months.
The best time to harvest herbs is early in the morning on a sunny day.

17 February 2025