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I think I have clover growing in my lawn, how do you suggest I treat is without harming the grass?

1 answer
Expert Answer

Clovers are an extremely common weed found in gardens throughout New Zealand. Clovers have creeping stems and distinctive leaves which are quite small and slightly notched at the tip. Clover flower heads are often visited by bees. There are several species of clover that can cause problems in lawns including suckling clover and white clover.

You usually find clover in lawns and pastures but they can also spread through garden beds.


In lawns

Apply a selective herbicide like McGregor’s Lawn Weed Control. It will effectively kill clover but leave the lawn grass unaffected, for best results apply spray in spring and autumn when weeds are growing.

In Paths and DrivewaysFor long term control on paths and driveways use McGregor’s Path and Patio Weed Control, one application kills existing weeds and prevents seeds germinating for up to 12 months; for best results apply spray in spring and autumn when weeds are growing.


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