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How do I grow shallots from seed?

1 answer
Expert Answer

Choose a sunny position where the soil is well drained. Dig the area in autumn, incorporating well rotted manure or garden compost. Approximately seven days prior to planting or sowing apply McGregor’s Vege & Ornamental Plant Fertiliser.

For early crops sow the shallot seed during February and March in a shed or indoors at a temperature of 15-20 degrees. Continue to grow the resulting seedling in tray, planting outdoors during May and June. Space the plants 7.5cm apart in the row and 30cm between rows.

Sow the seed direct outdoors between March and May. Sow the seed in to finely raked, firmed soil at a depth of 1cm.

Harvest and dry the bulbs once the foliage has turned yellow.


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