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What is the most effective treatment to control thistles whilst not killing my lawn?

1 answer
Expert Answer

There are several species of thistle that are weeds in New Zealand; Nodding Thistle, California Thistle, Scotch Thistle and Sow Thistle. Californian Thistle is a perennial and can be difficult to control due to vegetative growth from its creeping and spreading root system. In mown lawns it produces flat low leaves in a rosette. As the leaves are prickly they can make walking barefoot on the lawn a painful experience.



Apply a selective herbicide like McGregor’s Lawn Weed Control. This will effectively control thistles but will leave lawn grasses unaffected.

Because of the large rosette habit of thistles in lawns they can be easily spot treated with McGregor’s Woody and Bulbous Weed Killer Gel.

For best results use in spring and autumn when weeds and turf are growing.

On Paths and Driveways Knock down weeds quickly with McGregor’s Path and Patio Weed Control. This will kill a wide range of weeds and prevent regrowth for up to 12 months.

For best results use in spring and autumn when weeds and turf are growing.


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